Proceedings of Books
Papers Presented at International Conferences
Journal Articles
- Universal Principles of Space and Matter (2009)
- Discovering Universal Reality (2008)
- Physics of Free Power Generation (1996)
- Beyond Matter (1984)
- The Origin of Electron’s Mass,Charge Gravitational and Electro-magnetic Field from Empty Space (1982)
- Space Vortices of energy and Matter (1978)
- The Substantial Space and Void Nature of Elementary Material Particles (1977)
- The Physical Universe (1974)
Proceedings of Books
- Physics of Free Power Generation (1996)
- Beyond Matter - A Comprehensive Theory of the material Universe (1995); Ed. Wolfram Bahman, Edition Free Energy, VAP Veriag, Wiesbaden, Germany.
- Space is the absolute reality (1982) — in Proceedings of ICSTA, International Publishers East-West, Graz, Austria
Papers Presented at International Conferences
- Galileo Back in Italy, International Conference, Italy (1999)
- Congresso Interzionale, Perugia, Italy (1996)
- International Conference (Psychotronics), Japan (1996)
- International Symposium on New Energy, USA (1993,1994)
- Foundation of Mathematics and Physics, Perugia, Italy (1989)
- The German Association of Gravity Field Energy. International Conference on Gravity Field Energy, Hannover, Germany (March1987)
Journal Articles
- On the Space-Vortex Structure of the Electron; Apeiron, 2005 -- "What Is The Electron?" edition
- Creation of galactic matter and dynamics of cosmic bodies through spatial velocity field (1999)
- On planetary motion caused by solar space vortex (1998)
- Conceptual error on fundamental nature of light phenomenon in classical electro-dynamics led to the complexities in Quantum physics (1998)